Lately, I've been noticing how much Trump's tactics remind me of what I endured during my three-year relationship with someone with antisocial personality disorder. But not only that, I'm also noticing that what I'm seeing from our President is reminiscent of details in cold cases I've worked on as a medium that involved cults and mind control.
Similar to the way TV advertisement jingles get stuck in our head, Trump is effectively using repetition with his supporters. FAKE NEWS is one such example. I hear it and see it everywhere. And this is just one of the manipulation tactics being used. To give you a little background on how mind control works, I have to first say that ANYONE can be subject to it. Back when I first started working on cold cases with law enforcement, I was blown away by how much mind control was at play in some of the cases. All I could think was, "There's no way I could be mind controlled." I didn't understand it. Turns out, I was very wrong. I was heavily mind controlled during three years with a sociopathic partner. I didn't realize it was happening, but from the get go, I was conditioned to follow his lead and direction. I was love bombed to the hilt which created a sea of endorphins flooding my body. When I would push back and stand up for myself on the occasion I did something he didn't like, I would get the sharp opposite of love bombing. Anger. Silence. Or silence then anger. His behavior contradicted everything I thought I knew about him during the honeymoon period. There was no rational thinking. For an example of this, read this excerpt from my book about what happened when I didn't lock the door. After I apologized for things he didn't like, he would love bomb me again. He would repeat over and over again the same thing: I love you then, now, and forever or TNF, for short. He constantly repeated it everywhere. Social media posts. Texts. Emails. Everywhere. I heard it so much that I believed it. It was different from your usual, "I love you," in rational, normal relationships. If he loved me that much and made sure everyone knew it, and I was upsetting him, it had to be all my fault. Always my fault. Never his. His love bombing followed by devaluation created an addiction to the good times. I had to get back to the highs of the cycle of abuse I didn't even realize I was locked in. I became a different person—someone he was molding. By the end of it, I'd isolated myself from everyone for him even though all I could feel was a huge pit in my stomach. My intuition knew what was happening wasn't right. My addiction to him simply wanted the high. Later, I would learn from a psych doctor that he fits the profile for antisocial personality disorder. I was confused. What?!? He loves people. He loves charming them. He's not antisocial. I wish the medical community could rename this diagnosis. Here's what an antisocial personality disorder, otherwise known as sociopathy, looks like:
My ex fit the bill to a T. What I've learned over the years about being receptive to manipulation by someone like him is that we are vulnerable in many ways. I was unknowingly vulnerable due to the sexual abuse I endured as a child by my uncle. My ex seemed to fit the description of my uncle to a T. See the subconscious pattern? My childhood wound wasn't healed so I simply unknowingly sought out something similar as an adult. It's called wounded attachment. Did you know that our subconscious dictates how we operate? At about 80%. 20% of how we operate is led by the conscious. Can you believe it's that little? If you have wounds in your childhood that you know about or don't know about, those wounds are helping to determine how you react to situations and who you feel connected to. Let's say you never healed a wound from childhood that was caused by lack. Lack of food, or lack of care. Your subconscious most likely directs you to make sure your fridge is always stocked even though you know you will not go hungry. It makes sure you back the candidate you feel will not provide lack. Of course, this is subconscious so it's not something you analyze. It's just something that happens behind the scenes. Scientific studies have shown that we're prewired to survive, to adapt to our environment, and to adapt to leaders that we trust will help us survive. Repeating Sleepy Joe Biden over and over again (even in online polls) reinforces to those with "lack" wounds that Joe won't get it done. Sleepy people don't get much done, right? The point of all of this is that we can all be mind controlled. And many who excel at this type of manipulation are sociopaths and/or malignant narcissists. All they have to do is identify a wound, and groom/condition us. Whether it's a collective wound or a personal one, we can be controlled much easier than we all think.
September 2024
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