I'm late to this fantastic book. It was published in 2013 but it's taken seven years, and a random trip to a bookstore in Sedona to get my hands on it. I felt very guided to pick it up the minute I found it tucked away on the bookshelf. And I'm so glad I did.
Annie Kagan penned a book about how her deceased brother started sharing messages with her from the other side. His life was riddled with hardship, addiction, triumphs, helping others, and more addiction. Not surprisingly, he was judged very harshly by others for his choices in life. But here's the thing...what if he chose an outline for his life that included many of those experiences? This is something I hear from spirit all the time. I have even been told this (by spirit) about my own life and the path I've traveled thus far. The minute I opened the cover to Annie's book, I instantly related to so much to what Billy shared with his sister, i.e., all of the proof he showed her in order for her to believe she was really hearing him to his messages about why we are here on earth. And just how much we forget when we come into the world. I want to share a few passages from the book because they are almost identical to what I've heard from spirit (young and old) since coming into my mediumship gifts eleven years ago. Talking to his sister, Annie, Billy says: "....We signed up to do this dance together before we were born. We weren't acting out some type of I-did-something-wrong-to-you-in-another-life-and-I'm-paying-for-it-now concept of an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Karmic equalizing of the score isn't the real deal, at least not where I am. It's more a kind of experiment chosen for soul-type reasons that humans have an almost impossible time understanding. And not understanding is an important part of the experiment. If people knew the workings of the experiment, it would lose some of its punch, and that losing of punch, well, that's a little bit of what enlightenment is all about." AND "I was done with my life, Annie. I paid my debt, although it's not what we usually think of as payment. It wasn't some price for my so-called sins. It was more a learning thing. How do I know my life wasn't some punishment for my past transgressions? Well, because there's no such thing. You're not on earth to be punished. It's not about sin and punishment. That's a human concept. Something man made up. Humans make up stuff and then they believe it.... Pain is just part of the human experience, as natural as breath or eyesight or blood moving through your veins. Pain is part of the earth deal, so don't be overly concerned about it. Although I admit I wasn't exactly fond of pain myself. And how do I know all this? Honestly, I don't know. All of a sudden I know a bunch of things I didn't know when I was alive. When you're born, you pop out, that big pop gives you a kind of amnesia. One of the main things we're doing when we're alive is trying to remember the things we forgot. There's a different kind of knowledge here. You're really understood, and what a relief that is. So many problems in life come from not being understood or known. People on earth sometimes get glimpses of each other's souls, like when they fall in love. The difference is, here, I am my soul. I'm still Billy but without the body." There's so much to this wonderful book that mimics my own experience as a late-in-life medium in both what Annie endures and what Billy shares. In fact, a few months ago (prior to reading Annie's book), I wrote this at the end of my upcoming memoir: "I see soul purpose around the abuse I endured, too. I could have stayed angry with my uncle and Tony for the rest of my life, but what if there’s a bigger picture I just can’t see? Now, I’m not saying I did anything to deserve what my uncle did—I was a young child who was preyed on by a predator. But what if, as Jason said, some of the things in my life, like meeting Tony, were planned before I took my first breath? What if my soul chose specific experiences to endure, learn from, heal, and then ultimately help others through? What if all of the people in my life are playing roles for a greater purpose? If the answer to all of these questions is yes, then I can only be grateful for the healing journey. And grateful for the cast of players who helped me and continue to help me live out my soul purpose. It doesn’t mean I condone abusive behavior by any means, nor does it mean I believe I deserved what happened to me as a child and as an adult. I also know that the men who abused me didn’t deserve to be treated the way they were when they were young. They, too, were forced into the cycle of abuse and, thus far, have not been able to break free in all areas of their lives. That’s their choice and journey." Learning about life purpose and life struggles from those who have already passed on has been such a gift. Just like The Afterlife of Billy Fingers is a gift. For anyone wanting to learn more about why we are here and what happens after we leave our bodies, I highly recommend picking up Annie's book. It just might change your perspective on everything. https://www.afterlifeofbillyfingers.com
September 2024
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